Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bon Iver- Halocene (Live on Jimmy Fallon)

Justin Vernon had one of most meteoric rises I've ever seen in music. His solo project, Bon Iver's debut album, "For Emma, Forever Ago" was on numerous "Best Of" lists before it even hit shelves for people to purchase. He was a celebrity overnight (no Twista puns intended). After the critical acclaim For Emma got, people wondered if Vernon could match his debut album with his most recent release, "Bon Iver, Bon Iver", in my opinion, it is just as good, if not better than For Emma. I've had the album for about 2 weeks now and still listen to at least half of it every day. This right now is my favorite track off of the album and one of the best late night performances I've ever seen (It better have been for me to put up with even 5 seconds of Fallon). The way he feels the music he's playing is incredible... like it's an extension of himself. This man is a musical genius and deserves all the success he gets.

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